Earth Day Felt Counting Book
Over the River Felt is celebrating Earth Day by showing off this adorable DIY from Repeat Crafter Me! This simple-to-make booklet is a timeless gift to your little ones that you will cherish for years. We recommend using our vegan bamboo felt.
Made with all natural products (Bamboo) you are guaranteed one of the best eco friendly fabrics on the market!

In honor of Earth Day, I made my boys a little felt counting book. The pictures on each page relate to an element of our earth (plants, water, animals, land, sun). And in every picture there is something to count (more on that below). Each page is half sheet of felt and all the pictures I cut out freehand. The numbers I traced and cut. I glued the pieces down with a hot glue gun and bound the pages together with a piece of yarn.
number templates are from
Now to show you the pages:
One Earth.
Two Birds. Three Hills.
Four Raindrops.
Five Flower Petals.
Six Sun Rays.
Here are the boys reading their new book :)
Big brother is counting the flower petals to make sure there are five.
We are spending a lot of time getting to know our earth this weekend. We planted our garden, made a trip to the zoo, set up a bird bath and took advantage of the beautiful Pacific Northwest weather we are having by going outside! Happy Earth Day!
We love to see what you make! Tag us in your Earth Day crafts on social media.